Noxious Weed Management

Noxious Weeds
“Control Noxious Weeds, It’s Your Responsibility!”
You may have seen the many signs throughout the county and they are in reference to the Jefferson County Weed Control Ordinance (Ordinance No. 0-091-12). In support of this ordinance, North Unit is one of many on the Weed Advisory Committee that seeks to eradicate the spread of invasive and problematic weeds. For more details on the Weed Advisory Committee and the list of key invasive weeds, see Weed Control and Abatement link.
The District sprays along its canal roads for noxious weeds and performs multiple aquatic treatments throughout the season for invasive and nascent growth within the canal waters.

“No-Spray” Zone means “You-Spray” Zone
Because most canal roads are easements through private property, the District does respect landowners’ requests to establish “no-spray” zones through their property. But as of 2020, we require a formal request to acquire a “no-spray permit” that must be approved by the North Unit Board of Directors. Once you complete your No-Spray Permit, and have it approved, we will respect the boundaries of your no-spray zone. Once a “no-spray” zone is established, the responsibility of eradicating weeds within the easement area returns to the landowner. And if weeds are not managed, the repercussions are significant.
Ignoring the Weed Control Ordinance could result in enforcement spraying, fees, and property liens. For a detailed breakdown of penal action, See weed control ordinance link below.
Sign Up for Treatment Alerts
What are you signing up for? Signing up for email alerts will put you on the list of individuals who wish to receive an email notification when the District is performing one of their periodic aquatic treatments. This service is for our patrons only. Please note that this list is separate from our email newsletter contact list, which provides newsletters, water supply announcements, operational changes, and general alerts.
Our default method of communication for alerts is by email. If email is not a good method of contact for you, please provide an alternative means for contacting you and we can accommodate as possible. The District can call a portion of the patrons on this list but finds direct emails to be a more cost-effective and timely method of contact.